Sunday, January 1, 2012

Philosophy of Education

Why do we allow students to pass a class with only half of the knowledge they need?

Everyone can learn but not everyone learns the same way.  Teachers in the classroom will attempt to provide multiple pathways to learning which can be time consuming. Despite all of the efforts from teachers, parents, peers, students will still struggle with learning. Our most favorite educational theorists provide insight into helping students learn-Bruner, Piaget, Freud, Dewey, Erikson, Maslow to name a few. Models of intervention have been set into place for struggling groups with increasing rigor provided the higher up the ladder a students learning is placed.

Though each of these models/theories can help and have been proven effective there is still a common thread--a subject of areas in which students have decreased understanding. A subject with which they struggle or excel.  Amusingly shown in the picture below:
How standardized testing works.

Each one of the above animal has the ability to 'climb' the tree. Though each will need to approach it in their own way. The monkey for example should be able to readily climb the tree. The elephant may need to knock it over first. Even the fish can climb that tree as
shown by this video of a New Zealand banded Kokopu.

Climbing Fish

Teachers have talents. Some are great speakers and can entertain an entire class with their direct instruction. Others need to rely on projects to enhance student learning. Regardless, as a teacher I believe that teachers should enhance their talents to teach in the classroom as well as try to develop new talents since every student learns differently.

Khan Academy is an online website provided to increase student learning. (I have great respect for many forms of learning and mentioning one should not be taken as me promoting any over another.) If you research into Khan Academy you will find a study completed which shows student learning. Students were selected to participate in a class. The class has students from all different educational backgrounds. Exceptional students were placed in the same class as students will severe learning struggles. Over the course of 1 year the students completed learning online. At the end of each unit a test was administered. Students who passed the test were allowed to continue to the next unit. Students who did not pass were required to relearn the information  and retest. By the end of the year an interesting development was shown. Every student regardless of where they started struggled with something!  The struggle started early for some, later in the year for others. But every student would become stuck on some subject for approximately 1 to 2 weeks until they were able to show advancement. Interestingly enough you may think that students will continue to struggle. However, the study showed that after the initial stall in advancement students super excelled in the following subject. By the end of the year all students completed the course having advanced and passed every area.

Think about your education? There must be one subject with which you have struggled. It could have been your letters in Kindergarten or that advanced astrophysics course in college.

For myself it was Math. In 4th grade I remember fractions completed eluded me until my mother taught me how to cook with measuring cups. In college I failed every single math course I took,
the first time around. It did not matter if I went to study hall, hired a personal tutor, talked with the professor one on one, redid homework and retook tests. I failed Math and I was trying my best to understand. I quickly learned that it took me one week longer than everyone else to understand a subject. I received my F, a grade representing that I had only gained half of the knowledge needed to pass a class. In one case I received a D- which in school terms is passing! Great! Good job! You only know 60% of the required but that's good enough-not good enough for me. One week after the test and I understood everything with higher precision. I retook my Math courses and with each Math class the second time around I received the highest grade possible.
Imagine that you go to a brain surgeon. Do you honestly believe that brain surgeon performed
his first surgery with 100% precision? This is your brain were are talking about! Do you want
someone to say, "Oh, I've read about it, so I know what I'm doing." or "I watched a video once,
it's been awhile but we'll be okay." I completed a worksheet on that yesterday." Hopefully that
brain surgeon's study included worksheets, videos, projects, diagrams, expert knowledge,
practice, etc. Until a brain surgeon can perform his surgery (with a cadaver) with expert
precision multiple times under supervision of skilled and expert surgeons he/she is not
allowed to touch your brain.

Why do we allow students to pass a class with only half of the knowledge they need?

  1. " Climbing fish - YouTube ." (2012) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. URL: .
  2. "How standardized testing works.." (2012) I waste so much time. URL: .
  3. "Khan Academy." Khan Academy. (2012) URL: .
  4. "Outline of Educational Learning Theories and Theorists." (2012) Teacher's Garden. .