Saturday, January 14, 2023

Universal Design for Learning: UDL

 Universal Design for Learning: UDL is an interesting subject which plays on the ideas of "design for all, instead of remedial for some."

Lessons are meant to be dynamic enough to allow all students, regardless of background, experience or language to explain in a unique matter what they know. 

Are you an artist? A writer? A historian? A scientist? 

What are you? 

Imagine having a lesson which allows students to report their knowledge in a unique manner? Instead of having 210+ of the same assignment, now you have information flowing through art, written language, dance, mathematics... these dynamics combine to create a realm of vast knowledge both in life and in your classroom. 

Want to learn more about how you can add UDL to your classroom? 

Dive into UDL by Kendra Grant and Luis Perez:

UDL Guidelines:

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